LRTimelapse 4.7.8 available for download!

LRTimelapse 4.7.8 is a free update for all LRTimlepase 4 users.

It introduces the following improvements:

  • Added version check for Adobe DNG Converter. This makes it easier to keep it always updated in order to ensure support for the latest camera models.
  • The White Balance information from the camera will now be preserved when bringing the sequence to Lightroom. You can then start editing with the White balance that the camera provided as default value on the keyframes. Auto Transition will then take over the values from the keyframes (either from camera or modified by the user) and set them to “Custom” in order to make the transitions.
  • Udated ExifTool to 10.61
  • Fixed: When “Clear Metadata” was used (normally not something you’d need to do) a subsequent initialization of the metadata didn’t respect the “Set 16:9 crop when initializing” setting.
  • Fixed: Under the same precondition like the last issue, the Keyframes Wizard was not activated after a reinitialization of the sequence. (Thanks to forum user Teemu76 for reporting these two issues).
  • Fixed: On the very first start of LRT on a computer, the log file dialog was shown too small.

As always, you can download this new version from the Download-Page. Enjoy! 🙂

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