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Thanks for wanting to contact me!

Most likely you have a question about LRTimelapse, and of course I’m here to help.

But it turns out, that 90% of all questions that I get daily, I’ve already answered before. That’s why, if the same question comes up the second or third time, I put it into a nicely organized catalog of frequently asked questions, that I call “faq”. So the good news is, the chance, that your query has already been answered, is quite high!

1. Please check the faq first, it’s the most efficient way to get help!

So please do me a favor and quickly check, if you problem already has been answered

Go to my FAQ!

2. …then search the forum…

If you cannot find anything there, then searching the forums would be a good next option!

→ Use the search bar on the top of each page and type in some keywords that describe your question!

3. …if necessary, post your question in the forum…

Of course, if after short time you didn’t find an answer to your question, you are more then welcome to open a new thread and I will do the best I can to help in a timely manner.

I monitor the forum as closely as my email inbox, but I prefer, that you use the forum, because this helps other users too, that might have the same question in the future!

Post your question in the support forum!

If you need to create a new account in the forum, I would need to activate it first before you can post. This will happen in the next couple of hours usually and is important to keep the forum clean from spammers. If you need help very urgently and cannot wait for the activation, you’ll find my email below. But please register now in any case, in order to get the activation for the next time.

4. If all this doesn’t help or apply to your question…

Thank you so much for considering these steps before contacting me directly. This way you definitely help me a lot to stay focused on improving LRTimelapse, writing nice articles and producing films instead of answering the same questions again and again.

Of course I understand, if you have a personal question, that you don’t want to share publicly in the forum. So if the points above doesn’t apply to you or didn’t help, of course, you can reach me any time via email to support(at)lrtimelapse(dot)com.

In any way – I’ll make sure to sort out your problem!

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