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LA Timelapse Film Festival – the award ceremony now on Youtube!

The Los Angeles Timelapse Film Festival (LATFF), first of its kind, took place last Saturday (Jan. 28, 2023) as a live stream and was a huge success – now you can watch the recording!

At the festival, everyone who wanted had the opportunity to submit their film in three categories: Cityscapes, Nature/Landscape and Hyperlapses/Dronelapses.

The LATFF was created and organized by Emeric Le Bars, Brian Youchak and Oliver Kmia, who really did a great job.

I myself was allowed to be part of the 8-member jury (Oliver unfortunately couldn’t be there on Saturday) and sponsored each of the first places with an LRT PRO Timer 3.

Numerous filmmakers from all over the world responded to the festival call and submitted their works, some of which were so good, individual and creative that they did not make it easy for us to judge them… That’s why, independently of our jury voting, we also let the viewers vote in advance for the film they thought was the best.

In addition to these winning films, we also showed some films at the event that we felt deserved a mention for special reasons. For each film, we as the jury naturally also shared our opinion. Afterwards, some of the filmmakers were available for questions in the livestream and talked a bit about the making of their films, which was also very interesting.

If you couldn’t be there on Saturday, you still have the possibility to watch the ceremony on Youtube and watch the films with our comments. There you will also find out which film was favored by the jury and the viewers. If you watch the video directly on Youtube by clicking on this link, you will also see the live chat.

A list of all nominated films with their original sources can be found here.

After the festival I got feedback from some viewers that watching the films really motivated them to start their own, new timelapse project – that’s the nicest feedback there is! 🙂

Next year there will probably be another Timelapse Film Festival. So if you felt the same way and are now motivated to join in, start thinking about it already! As soon as I have more info on this, I’ll let you know.

For those of you who watched the ceremony: Let me know in the comments what you thought of the online festival? Did you agree with the jury’s decisions? I look forward to hearing from you!

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