
Upgrades and Crossgrades for your existing License

There is no need to log in to buy an Upgrade/Crossgrade. The assignment with your existing license will happen by matching your E-Mail address and name with our database after your payment. If you changed your E-Mail, it will take a bit longer, since we’ll have to assign it manually then.

  • An Upgrade brings your license the latest version with a discount.
  • The Crossgrade allows you to change your license from Private to Pro.

Your new license will already be issued for LRTimelapse 7, which will be released soon. Until then, please use either the latest official LRTimelapse 6 with your new license or feel free to join the public beta test for LRTimelapse 7.

BTW: All LRTimelapse 6 Licenses bought from January, 1st, 2024 can be used directly with the upcoming LRT7, no need to buy an upgrade.

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License Terms and Conditions

LRTimelapse Licenses will not expire. All minor updates (x.1, x.2, x.3 etc.) will be provided for free. LRT5 Licenses sold since October, 1st, 2021 will work with LRT6. LRTimelapse 6 Licenses sold from January, 1st, 2024 will work with LRTimelapse 7. Upgrades to the next major version will be available with a discount. For details please read the End User License Agreement here, there you’ll also find the system requirements.

*) The VAT (if any) included in the price is based on an assumption on your country of residence. The final country and VAT will be determined with knowledge of your country on check out, then final price will then be calculated.

**) Prices in currencies other than Euro have informational character only. The actual payment will happen in Euro, the final currency conversion will be done by Paypal when checking out.

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